Here at Lakeside Laser we have the option of laser therapy, your answer to your worries- a needle free acupuncture! The acupuncture and trigger probes are light bending/focussing lenses. A lens is a piece of glass that allows the light rays from the laser to meet and focus at one point. The probe boosts the function of the laser by transporting the light directly to target tissue.
The needle free acupuncture can help a wide variety of issues or conditions that you may present with. This includes:
- Muscle spasm
- Relieving stiffness in hands, feet
- Arthritis of hip, knee, hand
- Jaw pain
- Muscle and joint pain
- Temporary increase in local blood circulation
- Low back pain
- Frozen shoulder
- Tennis Elbow
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Boost immune system
- Acne
- Sinusitis
- Ankle Pain
- Shingles
- Big toe pain
- Knee pain
Our technicians are Perth trained and have experience in diagnosing and helping you heal and become pain free. Here at Lakeside Laser we are located in Central Walk, Joondalup – near Lakeside Shopping Centre. We have regular visitors from surrounding suburbs of Wannaroo, Caramar, Hillarys, Padbury, Kingsley, Marangaroo, Mindarie, Butler and Merriwa.
An excellent success rate has been seen in treating the above, with several other conditions benefiting from this needle free acupuncture. Please call us on 9300 0095 or book online via the “Contact” tab on our website.