November 27, 2023
a) Impairment of external rotation, elbow flexion, wrist extension b) Elbow extension and pronation of the forearm c) Shoulder adducted and internally rotated d) Grasp reflex present e) Moro reflex absent f) “Waiters tip” presentation
Differential diagnosis in of brachial plexus injury include: Clavicle fractures, infection to the upper humerus, septic arthritis of the shoulder and injury to the proximal humeral epiphysis. Management of Erb’s palsy can be in the form of hydrotherapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, surgery and it may even resolve spontaneously by 18 months and regain full function. Cold laser therapy has also proven to be highly effective in treating Erb’s palsy and regenerating the injured nerves. The prognosis of the condition is generally very good with 90% of the cases resolving completely and sensory loss generally recovers much quicker than motor loss. Cold laser therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy is a recently new medical intervention that utilises advanced laser technology to delve down into the deep underlying tissues. Cold laser therapy helps in the treatment of Erb’s Palsy by providing blood and oxygen to the brachial plexus and help reduce the inflammation present. By reducing the inflammation around the affected nerve roots, this helps to free up the entrapped nerves and help regenerate them so they can function as well as they previously did before the injury occurred. The treatment lasts about 20 minutes and the laser is placed over the affected area for 5 minutes at a time and moved around the different locations on the brachial plexus.