Plantar Fasciitis/ pain in arch or heel of foot is a condition involving inflammation of the thick band of tissue located on the inferior aspect of your foot, running from your heel to your toes. It’s a condition that causes heel pain in many individuals and is usually sustained after wearing inappropriate footwear, increased mileage or improper foot arch support. Symptoms generally worsen when getting out of bed in the morning.

Cold Laser Therapy also known as Low-Level Laser therapy is a painless therapeutic laser that targets inflamed areas of the body. The cold laser therapy requires no surgical incisions and emits a cold beam that doesn’t expose the patient to any ionizing radiation. Low level laser therapy is shown to help with plantar fasciitis as it targets the inflamed area on the bottom of the foot by improving the tissues circulation and encourages damaged cells to return to their normal function.

 Treatment benefits are usually noticed immediately following the cold laser therapy however numerous treatments are recommended to obtain maximum tissue repair and relief of symptoms.


Benefits of cold/ low level laser therapy for plantar fasciitis include:

Elimination of pain and reduction of inflammation

Return of joint mobility and normal range of motion in affected area

Painless treatment

Cost effective

No exposure to ionizing radiation

Improved oxygenation of tissues

Collagen production

Improve lymphatic blood flow and elimination of toxins


Protocol of cold/low level laser therapy for Planter fasciitis:

Modulate inflammatory response, improve circulation into the plantar fasciitis for healing and to stimulate fibroblastic production for regular and stronger collagen. Treatment of plantar fasciitis involves daily treatments of 6-8 visits for the first phase of treatment to inhibit pain. Followed by 10 sessions, with 1-2 visits recommended per week to improve circulation and restore normal joint mobility.


Low level laser therapy provides relief of many inflamed joints and tissues and restores normal range of motion to the affected area.



Lakeside Laser is located at 3/45 Central Walk, Joondalup; central to Perth’s Northern Suburbs. With visitors from many neighbouring suburbs including Woodvale, Madeley, Currambine, Heathridge, Sinagra, Beldon, Yanchep and Mullaloo. If you would like further information regarding Low Level Laser Therapy/Cold Laser Therapy or to book an appointment,  feel free to contact one of our friendly laser technicians on 08 9300 0095 or you can visit our website

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