Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa (small fluid-filled sacs that separate and reduce friction between muscle and tendon). Bursitis is most often caused by repetitive, overuse, minor impact on the area or excessive pressure. It can also occur after a sudden and serious injury. As tendons age they are less able tolerate physical stress and are less elastic, and are easier to tear.  Bursitis can happen in different parts of the body including ankle, elbow, hip, knee and shoulder. Risk factors
  • Injuries – Repetitive physical activities (kneeling and lifting) or sports (running and biking) can injure the joints
  • Lack of exercise – If a person does not exercise, the joint and muscle will become weak which is more prone to suffer from bursitis.
  • Posture – When one sits for a long period of time with the same posture, it strains the joints and can cause bursitis.
  • Diet – high intake of calcium can cause excessive calcification in our bones which could then cause bursitis. Obese individuals are more likely to develop bursitis as their joints are experiencing extra weight which can irritate their joints.Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa (small fluid-filled sacs that separate and reduce friction between muscle and tendon). Bursitis is most often caused by repetitive, overuse, minor impact on the area or excessive pressure. It can also occur after a sudden and serious injury. As tendons age they are less able tolerate physical stress and are less elastic, and are easier to tear.  Bursitis can happen in different parts of the body including ankle, elbow, hip, knee and shoulder.
Signs and symptoms Bursitis causes pain in the joint of inflamed bursa which may build up gradually or be sudden and severe. Pain is aggravated during or after activity and often the joint is stiff the next morning with reduced range of movement.  
  Treatment Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a treatment with red infrared light applied over injuries to stimulate cellular repair. It also has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect which induces a healing effect on affected bursae and also the surrounding inflamed soft tissues. In addition, LLLT increases the delivery of oxygen and nutrition, stimulates blood flow and lymphatic drainage.  
  For further information on Low level laser therapy benefits please do not hesitate to give Lakeside Laser a call on 93000095 or book online www.lakesidelaser.com.au . We are located near Lakeside Shopping Centre in Central Walk, Joondalup- Perth Northern suburbs, 6027 and have visitors from various surrounding areas, Such as: Kallaroo, Woodvale, Padbury, Hillarys, Craigie, Beldon, Edgewater and Iluka.
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