Apple Diet Detox - an easier way to do fasting

They say that An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away and those who eats apple said to be 25% less likely to suffer from heart attacks or heart related disease! Not only reducing heart attack, apples also good for weight loss. Since apple is high in fibre (roughly 4-5g per apple), it basically act as a fat-loss accelerator which could help you lose 5 pounds a week!

But why apple?

  1. Apple contains both soluble and insoluble fibre which can dampen your appetite and stop hunger pangs.
  2. Research shows that soluble fibre (pectin) found in apple turns into a sticky gel in stomach which help stops your body from absorbing sugar too quickly.
  3. Pectin found in apple also known to help reducing the level of cholesterol.
  4. Pectin also helps stop food craving for almost 4 hours.
  5. Perfect for anyone that are suffering constipation as they are natural laxative.

What is Apple cider vinegar detox?

Since cleansing diet have been growing steadily for some time, one of the most popular detox diet is apple cider vinegar detox. Supporters say that this detox diet helps with removal of harmful toxins from our body, regulate blood sugars, increase weight loss.

Is There Any Benefit From an Apple Detox Diet?

  • Lowering high cholesterol
  • Balancing body’s pH level
  • Strengthen immune system
  • Helps remove toxin from the body
  • Helps with weight loss
  • Reducing appetite
  • Regulate blood sugar levels
  • Improves digestion
  • Provides enzyme and probiotic

How to DIY your apple cider vinegar

  1. Place the apple peels and cores (optional) in a quart-sized jar with a wide mouth.
  2. Cover the peels completely with the water.
  3. Add the sugar and Make sure your scraps are completely covered with water.
  4. Cover the mouth of the jar with a coffee filter or a thin cloth, then screw on the outer ring of the lid.
  5. Let sit in a dark area at room temperature for 1-2 weeks, stirring the mix once a day to stimulate proper fermentation and prevent mold from forming.
  6. When you notice some fizz and a significant amount of bubbles on the surface, strain out the scraps and compost them.
  7. Put the liquid back in the jar, cover with a coffee filter or a thin cloth, and let it sit.
  8. Taste it once a week and once it has reached your desired level acidity, cover with a lid or transfer to a closed bottle to stop the fermentation.
  9. The apple cider vinegar will keep for about a year in the refrigerator.
  10. Enjoy!

Other fruits that also have anti-inflammatory benefits

The nutrients found in apple: fiber, vitamin C, pectin, have been associated primarily in animal studies, with anti-inflammatory effects and an increase in beneficial microbes in the gut.

Fruits like berries from strawberries and blackberries to cranberries and blue­berries, these gemlike fruits are particularly potent in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Some studies have shown that increase berry consumption will lower heart disease.

Stone fruits like peaches, apricots and plums also contains fibre, potassium, vitamin C and several phytochemicals associated with their colours. The high levels of phenolic compounds in cherries, which have been shown to reduce inflammation, may be behind those benefits.

Research Shows Apples can reduce inflammation and cholesterol

In terms of cholesterol, studies shown that eating apples regularly on a daily basis can reduce the levels of cholesterol and a type of protein called C-reactive protein (CRP), a key marker of inflammation in the blood. When 26 people ate three apples a day, their cholesterol fell by 7 per cent - more than those who ate the same diet with no apples. Another research conducted with 160 women aged 45-65 where half of the participants ate three-quarters of a cup of dried apples every day for a year, and the other half ate a cup of prunes. Within six months, the apple eaters’ LDL (bad) cholesterol decreased 23 percent, their HDL (good) cholesterol increased 4 percent and their CRP fell 32 percent.

laser procedures

At Lakeside Laser, our experienced and holistic low level laser technicians can provide advice and resources to help you establish a daily routine tailored to your specific needs to achieve optimal physical and mental wellbeing. We are a Medibank and BUPA preferred practice but accept all health insurance which you can claim on premises through our HICAPS machine. If you have any enquiries about low level laser or would like to book an appointment, feel free to contact one of our friendly staff on 9300 0095 or visit our website at to book an appointment.

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